TEEO: PropTech specialising in energy management. Since 2009, it has been helping public and private sector organisations to make the energy and ecological transition by managing, controlling and improving their energy and environmental performance.
TEEO has created a customised Energy Management System (EMS) for the social landlord Lyon Métropole Habitat, enabling it to supervise and monitor a group of buildings it owns.
The project, to be completed in 2023, involved 15 tertiary sites and 580 residential buildings, representing a total of 34,000 homes with a mix of collective and individual heating.
To meet LMHabitat's connectivity requirements, TEEO worked with Wattsense to deliver a turnkey, scalable and secure solution.
Find out more about this project below!
The Context
Since 2016, LMHabitat has been implementing an energy policy. Following the award of ISO 50001 certification in 2017, renewed in 2020, LMHabitat quickly identified the need for a system to collect and centralise energy data from its building stock to maintain the certification and reduce the building stock's energy bill on a larger scale.
LMHabitat therefore decided to prioritise the introduction of an energy management tool to collect and analyse energy consumption data.
Between 2017 and 2019, an opportunity and feasibility study was carried out for the implementation of such a system. The results demonstrated a real economic and ecological interest in this initiative, encouraging LMHabitat to pursue the project.
However, they quickly realised that no turnkey tool on the market met their specific needs, prompting them to launch a competitive search.
This project, a pioneering one in France for a social landlord, required intensive research and technology monitoring to evaluate the solutions available on the market.
After a rigorous tendering process, TEEO was selected as the service provider and brought Wattsense on board for the project, using our IoT connectivity solution to link the buildings to their Energy Management System.
The Challenges
This project to set up an EMS focused on four major challenges:
> Standardisation, reliability and centralisation of data: LMHabitat's objective was to centralise the collection of consumption data and energy and water bills while retaining ownership of the data.
> Optimisation of rental charges: The aim was to control tenants' charges by optimising energy consumption and the operation and maintenance of equipment.
> ISO 50001 certification: As part of maintaining its certification, LMHabitat wanted to put in place visualisation tools that make it easier to demonstrate continuous improvement in energy performance.
> Integration with LMHabitat's information system (IS): For all the company's data to be better connected, it was important for LMHabitat that its Energy Management System fit seamlessly into LMHabitat's information system.
The challenge was therefore to create a tailor-made EMS to meet the social landlord's specific needs in terms of data collection and monitoring while integrating with the entire hardware and software ecosystem in the field.
The Solution
TEEO has developed a platform for collecting and monitoring data and setting up alerts, providing a site-by-site view.
The software solution
Data collection:
- A dashboard displaying electricity, water and gas consumption, as well as that of the district heating network and rental data, in compatibility with LMHabitat's internal "Atlas propriétaire" tool.

The EMS (Energy Management System) brings together in one place data from the buildings' technical equipment, consumption and invoices (from the portals of suppliers and utility companies such as electricity, water, among others) and tenant data (via the IS).
- Alarm functionalities to monitor and analyse the behaviour of technical equipment with a view to optimising maintenance.
- Alarm functions to manage the risk of legionella for occupants.
- Verification of the consistency between operators' reports and the reality on the ground, enabling effective control of operators' work and critical assessment of proposals to replace equipment.

The energy management system created by TEEO for LMhabitat enables any anomalies or potential dangers to be spotted to avoid costly breakdowns or health risks.
The on-site solution

Following a field audit, the decision was taken to adopt the IoT via an operated (public) network for buildings with little data to feedback.
For the other buildings, however, 160 Wattsense Towers (Medium subscription) were installed, i.e. one product per building.
As Wattsense products are multi-protocol, only one Wattsense box (hardware) per building was needed to connect and centralise the data from all the substation equipment: sub-meters (mainly heat meters), substation boiler room controllers, boilers and ambient temperature sensors.
This adaptability has been made possible by the Wattsense solution's ability to communicate with more than 10 different protocols, such as Modbus, BACnet, M-BUS, LPB, KNX, LoRaWAN, etc., enabling simultaneous communication with various pieces of equipment, regardless of their make or the communication protocol used.
As a result, the Wattsense solution, based on embedded software, centralises data directly on-site and can therefore serve as a data layer according to the guidelines specified in the specifications drawn up by LMHabitat.
The Results
Increased visibility and productivity of energy performance actions:
Thanks to the simple, intuitive and easy-to-use interface of its EMS, TEEO fully met LMHabitat's requirements. Enabling LMHabitat to carry out its energy analysis and detect any issues quickly.
LMHabitat now has all the information it needs in one place to effectively reduce its energy consumption.
“TEEO has developed a bespoke interface for measuring, monitoring, analysing and checking all energy and water consumption in real-time while ensuring that we have full control over the data. A substantial budget was set, but one that is in line with the challenges and objectives outlined by LMHabitat".”Jonathan Jaboeuf, Energy Coordinator at LMHabitat
Total independence from field data:
The use of the Wattsense solution in the buildings has given LMHabitat total control over its data, reducing its dependence on suppliers or operators that could change over time.
“Data is an essential resource. By combining TEEO and Wattsense technology, we are developing a solution that effectively addresses the economic challenges associated with the cost of energy while refocusing data at the heart of our estate.”Jonathan Jaboeuf, Energy Coordinator at LMHabitat
Substantial savings have been made and will be made in the future on the renovations of technical equipment
Thanks to the interoperability of the Wattsense solution, LMHabitat is not restricted by brands using proprietary technologies and does not need to replace existing equipment in the buildings, resulting in significant savings for this project. TEEO's EMS, via the Wattsense solution, was, therefore, able to adapt to the constraints of the site and the existing technologies - even if they were outdated - without requiring major renovation.
The combination of TEEO and Wattsense technologies allows LMHabitat to easily upgrade its project in the years to come and to digitise its entire property portfolio.