Breaking news: Wattsense supports BACnet

One of the major pain points affecting our users and prospects is how time-consuming is to integrate BACnet natively into their software applications. As one of the predominant protocols in building networks, the communication with BACnet is a crucial functionality for applications aiming to improve the management of facilities.
At Wattsense, we proud ourselves on working to give our users what they need to create game-changing apps. Our embedded engineering team decided to tackle this obstacle led by Louis Rubet, VP of Embedded, and Raul Fuentes, Software Engineer. They are very happy to announce the integration of BACnet into our Box, hence creating a quick and easy access for all software developers through our RESTful API.
Our Box is officially a BACnet whisperer! Developers can now say goodbye to time-consuming software implementations and focus on working on what is actually their priority, perfecting and scaling their apps.

Why is BACnet such a big deal?
With a market penetration of more than 50%, according to technology firm Softdel, this protocol is known as the backbone of the automation sector. If you are not familiar with the term, BACnet is a communications protocol for Building Automation and Control (BAC) networks; it can manage everything from Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) devices, to fire, and access systems.

Since its introduction to the market in 1995, BACnet has undergone seven significant revisions. Our team developed support for the BACnet ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2012 (Protocol Revision 14) as a starting point and will be supporting the 2016 revision very soon. Now, all 915 BACnet BTL certified products are more than happy to speak with our Box!
Our BACnet integration offers:
- Rock solid solution
To provide users with a highly functional and robust service, a stack was purchased to facilitate the implementation of the protocol in the fastest way possible. With the stack, our users can now use BACnet over Ethernet, IP and networks.
MSTP will be in available in the future, if you are interested in this feature write us at

- Auto Discovery
This feature allows discovering BACnet devices (IP) objects and their properties in building management systems. Users can also set and monitor properties of the discovered objects as well as control and edit values within those properties.
But we didn’t stop there, both the backend and the embedded team worked together to go the extra mile and create an easy-to-use graphical interface that makes the traditionally complicated process of configuring files a piece of cake.
- Intuitive Configuration Wizard
Through our Cloud Service our users, without headaches, can exchange information and send commands to their BACnet devices. Abstracting away the chaotic BMS network technologies.
Future steps
Open Source
The work doesn’t stop here. We will continue to support BACnet in the best possible way by developing from scratch our own Open Source stack. To accomplish this major task, a significant coffee supply will be provided for the embedded team.
Inside of the BACnet universe, the devices are classified into different profiles according to what they support and can do. We are aiming by spring 2019 to be compliant with the BACnet Advanced Operator Workstation profile (B-AWS). One of the most powerful profiles available as stated by the BACnet Committee of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
Try for yourself our BACnet integration. Request a Demo and easily deploy your application in building management systems.
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